Week of March 18

Watch: Crash Course 23, The Industrial Economy

Watch: Crash Course 25, Growth, Cities, and Immigration

Watch: Crash Course 26,  Gilded Age Politics

Watch: Crash Course 27, The Progressive Era

(If you want to read transcripts of the videos while you listen, you can find transcriptions of most the Crash Course videos here: https://nerdfighteria.info/cat/143/transcribed)


Read: “Affidavit and Flyers from the Chinese Boycott Case.” Educator Resources, National Archives. Oct. 11, 2017.(Read the “Background” section and look at the documents (link on the right)).  https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/chinese-boycott

Read: Anbinder, Tyler. “Todays Banned Immigrants Are No Different Than from Our Immigrant Ancestors.” Perspectives on History. Feb. 7, 2017.https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/february-2017/todays-banned-immigrants-are-no-different-from-our-immigrant-ancestors

Response Paper 8: What is Anbinder’s main point?  What evidence does he offer to support it?  What are the reasons, according the article on the Chinese Boycott Case, for prejudice against Chinese workers? What do the documents on Chinese Boycott case tell you about attitudes towards the Chinese? How do the articles add to or complicate the information in the Crash Course videos?