Week of April 8

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The Cold War

Watch: Crash Course 37, The Cold War

Watch: Crash Course 38, The Cold War in Asia

Watch: The Fog of War–https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LsRRTvPigY
(The entire video is 105 minutes long. If you don’t have time to watch the entire thing, skip the portion from 21:00–53:00.)

Weekly Writing 11: What role does McNamara think cultural misunderstanding played in the Cold War, particularly Vietnam? How does he depict what happened at the Gulf of Tonkin? What type of material and sources does the director use to convey information in the documentary? How do those material and sources influence your understanding of the events describes and McNamara opinions? How do the articles add to or complicate the information in the Crash Course videos or other sources you have used to learn American history?