Week of April 1

Watch: Crash Course, 33, The Great Depression

Watch: Crash Course, 34, The New Deal

Watch: Crash Course, 35, World War II, Part 1

Watch: Crash Course, 36, World War II, Part 2

Watch: The Latino Americans, episode 2: Empire of Dreams (From 33:30 to End)– http://www.pbs.org/latino-americans/en/watch-videos/#2365076018

Watch: The Latino Americans, episode 3: War and Peace—(From the Beginning to 33:37) http://www.pbs.org/latino-americans/en/watch-videos/#2365076051

Response Paper 10: How did the Great Depression influence the lives of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans? How did Latino Americans contribute to the war effort in World War II? What challenges did they face? What strategies and techniques does the director of the documentary use to convey information? How do the documentaries add to or complicate the information in the Crash Course videos? (250-350 words)